modules/pythonscript/pythonscript.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  CallableObject
struct  EgguserObject
struct  MyDictObject


#define PYTHON_VAR   1
#define PYTHON_FUNC   2
#define Callable_Check(op)   PyObject_TypeCheck(op, &Callable_Type)
#define Egguser_Check(op)   PyObject_TypeCheck(op, &Egguser_Type)
#define FlushAll()


void Flush (unsigned Target)
PyObject * c_to_python_var (script_var_t *v)
int python_to_c_var (PyObject *obj, script_var_t *var, int type)
int MyModule_Init (void)
PyObject * GetVar (script_linked_var_t *var)
int SetVar (script_linked_var_t *var, PyObject *Value)
PyObject * MyModule_Add (char *name, char *doc)
PyObject * MyDict_New (PyTypeObject *Type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)


script_module_t my_script_interface
PyTypeObject Callable_Type
PyTypeObject MyDict_Type
PyTypeObject Stdio_Type
PyTypeObject Egguser_Type
PyObject * EggdropModule

Define Documentation

#define Callable_Check ( op   )     PyObject_TypeCheck(op, &Callable_Type)

Definition at line 25 of file pythonscript.h.

Referenced by Help().

#define Egguser_Check ( op   )     PyObject_TypeCheck(op, &Egguser_Type)

Definition at line 26 of file pythonscript.h.

Referenced by Compare(), Egguser_New(), and python_to_c_var().

#define FlushAll (  ) 


do {\
} while (0)

Definition at line 28 of file pythonscript.h.

Referenced by Help(), my_create_command(), my_link_var(), my_load_script(), my_python_callbacker(), and party_python().

#define PYTHON_FUNC   2

Definition at line 23 of file pythonscript.h.

Referenced by GetDoc(), GetItem(), my_command_handler(), my_create_command(), and Repr().

#define PYTHON_VAR   1

Definition at line 22 of file pythonscript.h.

Referenced by my_link_var(), SetAttr(), and SetItem().

Function Documentation

PyObject* c_to_python_var ( script_var_t v  ) 

Definition at line 293 of file pythonscript.c.

References byte_array_b::bytes, c_to_python_var(), byte_array_b::do_free, Egguser_Type, byte_array_b::len, script_var_b::len, NULL, SCRIPT_ARRAY, SCRIPT_BYTES, SCRIPT_FREE, SCRIPT_FREE_VAR, SCRIPT_INTEGER, SCRIPT_PARTIER, SCRIPT_POINTER, SCRIPT_STRING, SCRIPT_STRING_LIST, SCRIPT_TYPE_MASK, SCRIPT_UNSIGNED, SCRIPT_USER, SCRIPT_VAR, script_var_b::type, EgguserObject::user, and script_var_b::value.

Referenced by c_to_python_var(), Get(), GetFlags(), GetIrcMasks(), GetVar(), my_command_handler(), and my_python_callbacker().

00293                                            {
00294   PyObject *result;
00296   result = NULL;
00297   /* If it's an array, we call ourselves recursively. */
00298   if (v->type & SCRIPT_ARRAY) {
00299     PyObject *element;
00300     int i;
00302     result = PyTuple_New(v->len);
00303     /* If it's an array of script_var_t's, then it's easy. */
00304     if ((v->type & SCRIPT_TYPE_MASK) == SCRIPT_VAR) {
00305       script_var_t **v_list;
00307       v_list = (script_var_t **)v->value;
00308       for (i = 0; i < v->len; i++) {
00309         element = c_to_python_var(v_list[i]);
00310         if (!element) {
00311           Py_DECREF(result);
00312           return 0;
00313         }
00314         PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, i, element);
00315       }
00316     }
00317     else {
00318       /* Otherwise, we have to turn them into fake script_var_t's. */
00319       script_var_t v_sub;
00320       void **values;
00322       values = (void **)v->value;
00323       for (i = 0; i < v->len; i++) {
00324         v_sub.type = v->type & (~SCRIPT_ARRAY);
00325         v_sub.value = values[i];
00326         v_sub.len = -1;
00327         element = c_to_python_var(&v_sub);
00328         if (!element) {
00329           Py_DECREF(result);
00330           return 0;
00331         }
00332         PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, i, element);
00333       }
00334     }
00335     /* Whew */
00336     if (v->type & SCRIPT_FREE) free(v->value);
00337     if (v->type & SCRIPT_FREE_VAR) free(v);
00338     return result;
00339   }
00341   /* Here is where we handle the basic types. */
00342   switch (v->type & SCRIPT_TYPE_MASK) {
00343     case SCRIPT_INTEGER:
00344       result = PyInt_FromLong((int) v->value);
00345       break;
00346     case SCRIPT_UNSIGNED:
00347       /* Python has no "unsigned" type. A Python "int" is a C "long".
00348        * So, if sizeof(int) == sizeof(long) like on IA32 a Python "int"
00349        * might be too short to store a C "unsigned".
00350        * Use a Python "long" in that case */
00351       if ((unsigned) v->value <= PyInt_GetMax()) {
00352         result = PyInt_FromLong((unsigned) v->value);
00353       } else {
00354         result = PyLong_FromUnsignedLong((unsigned) v->value);
00355       }
00356       break;
00357     case SCRIPT_STRING: {
00358       char *str = v->value;
00360       if (!str) str = "";
00361       if (v->len == -1) v->len = strlen(str);
00362       result = PyString_FromStringAndSize(str, v->len);
00363       if (v->value && v->type & SCRIPT_FREE) free(v->value);
00364       break;
00365     }
00366     case SCRIPT_STRING_LIST: {
00367       char **str = v->value;
00368       PyObject *element;
00370       result = PyList_New(0);
00371       for (str = v->value; str && *str; ++str) {
00372         element = PyString_FromString(*str);
00373         PyList_Append(result, element);
00374       }
00375       break;
00376     }
00377     case SCRIPT_BYTES: {
00378       byte_array_t *bytes = v->value;
00379       result = PyString_FromStringAndSize(bytes->bytes, bytes->len);
00380       if (bytes->do_free) free(bytes->bytes);
00381       if (v->type & SCRIPT_FREE) free(bytes);
00382       break;
00383     }
00384 #if 0
00385     case SCRIPT_POINTER: {
00386       char str[32];
00388       sprintf(str, "#%u", (unsigned int) v->value);
00389       result = Tcl_NewStringObj(str, -1);
00390       break;
00391     }
00392     case SCRIPT_PARTIER: {
00393       partymember_t *p = v->value;
00394       int pid;
00396       if (p) pid = p->pid;
00397       else pid = -1;
00398       result = Tcl_NewIntObj(pid);
00399       break;
00400     }
00401 #endif
00402     case SCRIPT_USER: {
00403       /* An eggdrop user record (struct userrec *). */
00404       user_t *u = v->value;
00406       if (u) {
00407         EgguserObject *O = (EgguserObject *) Egguser_Type.tp_new(&Egguser_Type, 0, 0);
00408         O->user = u;
00409         result = (PyObject *) O;
00410       } else {
00411         Py_INCREF(Py_None);
00412         result = Py_None;
00413       }
00414       break;
00415     }
00416     default:
00417       /* Default: just "None". */
00418       Py_INCREF(Py_None);
00419       result = Py_None;
00420   }
00421   if (v->type & SCRIPT_FREE_VAR) free(v);
00422   return result;
00423 }

void Flush ( unsigned  Target  ) 

Definition at line 118 of file mystdio.c.

References Write().

Referenced by Stdio_Flush().

00118                             {
00119   if (LineBuf[Target].strlen) Write(Target, "\n", 1);
00120 }

PyObject* GetVar ( script_linked_var_t var  ) 

Definition at line 36 of file mydict.c.

References c_to_python_var(), script_linked_var_b::callbacks, script_var_b::len, script_linked_var_b::name, script_var_callbacks_b::on_read, SCRIPT_TYPE_MASK, script_linked_var_b::type, script_var_b::type, script_linked_var_b::value, and script_var_b::value.

Referenced by GetItem(), and Repr().

00036                                            {
00037   script_var_t newvalue = {0};
00039   newvalue.len = -1;
00040   if (var->callbacks && var->callbacks->on_read) {
00041     if (var->callbacks->on_read(var, &newvalue)) {
00042       PyErr_Format(PyExc_LookupError, "internal eggdrop error in 'on_read' function for '%s'", var->name);
00043       return 0;
00044     }
00045   } else {
00046     newvalue.type = var->type & SCRIPT_TYPE_MASK;;
00047     newvalue.value = *(void **)var->value;
00048   }
00049   return c_to_python_var(&newvalue);
00050 }

PyObject* MyDict_New ( PyTypeObject *  Type,
PyObject *  args,
PyObject *  kwds 

Definition at line 31 of file mydict.c.

Referenced by MyModule_New().

00031                                                                          {
00032   PyObject *O = PyDict_Type.tp_new(Type, args, kwds);
00033   return O;
00034 }

PyObject* MyModule_Add ( char *  name,
char *  doc 

Definition at line 63 of file mymodule.c.

References MyModule_New().

Referenced by pythonscript_LTX_start().

00063                                               {
00064   PyObject *Modules, *ModuleObj;
00066   Modules = PyImport_GetModuleDict();        /* Warning: Borrowed reference */
00067   if ((ModuleObj = PyDict_GetItemString(Modules, name)) && PyModule_Check(ModuleObj)) return ModuleObj;
00068   ModuleObj = MyModule_New(name);            /* new reference */
00069   if (!ModuleObj) return 0;
00070   if (PyDict_SetItemString(Modules, name, ModuleObj)) {
00071     Py_DECREF(ModuleObj);
00072     return 0;
00073   }
00075   if (doc) {
00076     PyObject **DictPtr, *DocObj;
00078     DictPtr = _PyObject_GetDictPtr(ModuleObj);
00079     DocObj = PyString_FromString(doc);       /* new reference */
00080     if (DocObj) PyDict_SetItemString(*DictPtr, "__doc__", DocObj);
00081     Py_XDECREF(DocObj);
00082     PyErr_Clear();
00083   }
00085   Py_DECREF(ModuleObj); /* Yes, it still exists, in modules! */
00086   return ModuleObj;
00087 }

int MyModule_Init ( void   ) 

Definition at line 174 of file mymodule.c.

References DictString, and MyModule_Type.

Referenced by pythonscript_LTX_start().

00174                     {
00175   MyModule_Type.tp_basicsize = PyModule_Type.tp_basicsize;
00176   MyModule_Type.tp_dictoffset = PyModule_Type.tp_dictoffset;
00177   DictString = PyString_FromString("__dict__");
00178   return PyType_Ready(&MyModule_Type);
00179 }

int python_to_c_var ( PyObject *  obj,
script_var_t var,
int  type 

Definition at line 429 of file pythonscript.c.

References byte_array_b::bytes, script_callback_b::callback, script_callback_b::callback_data, script_callback_b::delete_data, Egguser_Check, user::flags, script_callback_b::flags, GetContext(), byte_array_b::len, script_var_b::len, MaxInt, MaxUInt, MinInt, MinUInt, my_python_callbacker(), script_callback_b::name, NULL, script_callback_b::owner, SCRIPT_BYTES, SCRIPT_CALLBACK, SCRIPT_FREE, SCRIPT_INTEGER, SCRIPT_PARTIER, SCRIPT_STRING, SCRIPT_TYPE_MASK, SCRIPT_UNSIGNED, SCRIPT_USER, script_callback_b::syntax, script_var_b::type, EgguserObject::user, USER_DELETED, and script_var_b::value.

Referenced by my_get_arg(), and SetVar().

00429                                                                 {
00430   var->type = type;
00431   var->len = -1;
00432   var->value = 0;
00434   switch (type & SCRIPT_TYPE_MASK) {
00435     case SCRIPT_STRING: {
00436       char *Str;
00438       Str = PyString_AsString(obj);
00439       if (!Str) return 1;
00440       var->value = strdup(Str);
00441       var->len = strlen(var->value);
00442       return 0;
00443     }
00444     case SCRIPT_CALLBACK: {
00445       script_callback_t *cback; /* Callback struct */
00446       PyObject *FunctionName, *ModuleName;
00447       char *CFuncName = 0, *CModName = 0;
00449       if (!PyCallable_Check(obj)) {
00450         PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Object of type %s is not callable.", obj->ob_type->tp_name);
00451         return 1;
00452       }
00453       cback = malloc(sizeof(*cback));
00454       cback->callback = (Function) my_python_callbacker;
00455       cback->callback_data = obj;
00456       Py_INCREF(obj);
00458       ModuleName = PyObject_GetAttrString(obj, "__module__");
00459       FunctionName = PyObject_GetAttrString(obj, "__name__");
00460       if (ModuleName) CModName = PyString_AsString(ModuleName);
00461       if (FunctionName) CFuncName = PyString_AsString(FunctionName);
00462       PyErr_Clear();
00463       if (!CModName) CModName = "python";
00464       if (CFuncName) {
00465         cback->name = malloc(strlen(CModName) + strlen(CFuncName) + 2);
00466         sprintf(cback->name, "%s.%s", CModName, CFuncName);
00467       } else {
00468         cback->name = malloc(strlen(CModName) + 12);
00469         sprintf(cback->name, "%s.0x%08x", CModName, ((int) obj) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
00470       }
00472       Py_XDECREF(ModuleName);
00473       Py_XDECREF(FunctionName);
00475       cback->delete_data = 0;
00476       cback->syntax = 0;
00477       cback->flags = 0;
00478       cback->owner = GetContext();
00479 //      putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "Created Callback %s %p %s %p", cback->owner->name, cback->owner->module, cback->owner->script, cback->owner->client_data);
00481       var->value = cback;
00482       return 0;
00483     }
00484     case SCRIPT_BYTES: {
00485       byte_array_t *byte_array;
00487       byte_array = malloc(sizeof(*byte_array));
00489       var->value = byte_array;
00490       var->type |= SCRIPT_FREE;
00492       return PyString_AsStringAndSize(obj, (char **) &byte_array->bytes, &byte_array->len);
00493     }
00494     case SCRIPT_UNSIGNED:
00495     case SCRIPT_INTEGER: {
00496       if (!PyInt_Check(obj) && !PyLong_Check(obj)) {
00497         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "an integer is required");
00498         return 1;
00499       }
00500       PyErr_Clear();
00501       if ((((type & SCRIPT_TYPE_MASK) == SCRIPT_UNSIGNED) && (PyObject_Compare(obj, MinUInt) < 0 ||
00502                                                               PyObject_Compare(obj, MaxUInt) > 0)) ||
00503           (((type & SCRIPT_TYPE_MASK) == SCRIPT_INTEGER) && (PyObject_Compare(obj, MinInt) < 0 ||
00504                                                              PyObject_Compare(obj, MaxInt) > 0))) {
00505         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError, "Python value does not fit in C type");
00506         return 1;
00507       }
00509       if (PyInt_Check(obj)) var->value = (void *) PyInt_AsLong(obj);
00510       else var->value = (void *) PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(obj);
00511       return 0;
00512     }
00513 #if 0
00514     case SCRIPT_PARTIER: {
00515       int pid = -1;
00517       err = Tcl_GetIntFromObj(myinterp, obj, &pid);
00518       if (!err) var->value = partymember_lookup_pid(pid);
00519       else var->value = NULL;
00520       break;
00521     }
00522 #endif
00523     case SCRIPT_USER: {
00524       EgguserObject *O = (EgguserObject *) obj;
00526       if (!Egguser_Check(obj)) {
00527         PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Expected eggdrop.egguser, got %s", obj->ob_type->tp_name);
00528         return 1;
00529       }
00530       if (!O->user || (O->user->flags & USER_DELETED)) {
00531         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "This user has been deleted.");
00532         return 1;
00533       }
00534       var->value = O->user;
00535       return 0;
00536     }
00537   }
00538   return 1;
00539 }

int SetVar ( script_linked_var_t var,
PyObject *  Value 

Definition at line 52 of file mydict.c.

References python_to_c_var(), script_linked_var_on_write(), and script_linked_var_b::type.

Referenced by SetAttr(), and SetItem().

00052                                                       {
00053   script_var_t newvalue = {0};
00055   if (python_to_c_var(Value, &newvalue, var->type)) return 1;
00056   if (script_linked_var_on_write(var, &newvalue)) {
00057     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "set");
00058     return 1;
00059   }
00060   return 0;
00061 }

Variable Documentation

PyTypeObject Callable_Type

Definition at line 61 of file pythonscript.h.

PyObject* EggdropModule

PyTypeObject Egguser_Type

Definition at line 61 of file pythonscript.h.

Definition at line 48 of file pythonscript.h.

Definition at line 50 of file pythonscript.h.

PyTypeObject MyDict_Type

Definition at line 61 of file pythonscript.h.

PyTypeObject Stdio_Type

Definition at line 61 of file pythonscript.h.

Generated on Sun Nov 30 18:43:36 2008 for eggdrop1.9 by  doxygen 1.5.6