modules/channels/channels.c File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


#define MODULE_NAME   "channels"
#define start   channels_LTX_start


static void write_channels ()
static void channels_report (int idx, int details)
static char * channels_close ()
EXPORT_SCOPE char * start ()
char * start (eggdrop_t *eggdrop)


static eggdrop_t * egg = NULL
static int setstatic
static int use_info
static int chan_hack
static int global_aop_min
static int global_aop_max
static int global_ban_time
static int global_exempt_time
static int global_invite_time

Define Documentation

#define MODULE_NAME   "channels"

Definition at line 27 of file channels.c.

Referenced by channels_close(), compress_close(), filesys_close(), start(), and uptime_close().

#define start   channels_LTX_start

Definition at line 29 of file channels.c.

Function Documentation

static char* channels_close (  )  [static]

Definition at line 208 of file channels.c.

References C_dcc_irc, channel_script_cmds, channels_cmds, channels_writeuserfile(), check_expired_bans(), check_expired_exempts(), check_expired_invites(), free_udef(), MODULE_NAME, my_tcl_ints, NULL, script_delete_commands(), and write_channels().

00209 {
00210   write_channels();
00211   free_udef(udef);
00212   if (lastdeletedmask)
00213     free(lastdeletedmask);
00214   rem_builtins("chon", my_chon);
00215   rem_builtins("dcc", C_dcc_irc);
00216   script_delete_commands(channel_script_cmds);
00217   rem_tcl_commands(channels_cmds);
00218   rem_tcl_strings(my_tcl_strings);
00219   rem_tcl_ints(my_tcl_ints);
00220   rem_tcl_coups(mychan_tcl_coups);
00221   del_hook(HOOK_USERFILE, (Function) channels_writeuserfile);
00222   del_hook(HOOK_BACKUP, (Function) backup_chanfile);
00223   del_hook(HOOK_REHASH, (Function) channels_rehash);
00224   del_hook(HOOK_PRE_REHASH, (Function) channels_prerehash);
00225   del_hook(HOOK_MINUTELY, (Function) check_expired_bans);
00226   del_hook(HOOK_MINUTELY, (Function) check_expired_exempts);
00227   del_hook(HOOK_MINUTELY, (Function) check_expired_invites);
00228   Tcl_UntraceVar(interp, "global-chanset",
00230      traced_globchanset, NULL);
00231   rem_help_reference("");
00232   rem_help_reference("");
00233   module_undepend(MODULE_NAME);
00234   return NULL;
00235 }

static void channels_report ( int  idx,
int  details 
) [static]

Definition at line 119 of file channels.c.

References _.

00120 {
00121   struct chanset_t *chan;
00122   int i;
00123   char s[1024], s2[100];
00124   struct flag_record fr = {FR_CHAN | FR_GLOBAL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
00126   for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) {
00127     if (idx != DP_STDOUT)
00128       get_user_flagrec(dcc[idx].user, &fr, chan->dname);
00129     if ((idx == DP_STDOUT) || glob_master(fr) || chan_master(fr)) {
00130       s[0] = 0;
00131       if (channel_greet(chan))
00132   strcat(s, "greet, ");
00133       if (channel_autoop(chan))
00134   strcat(s, "auto-op, ");
00135       if (s[0])
00136   s[strlen(s) - 2] = 0;
00137       if (!s[0])
00138   strcpy(s, _("lurking"));
00139       get_mode_protect(chan, s2);
00140       if (!channel_inactive(chan)) {
00141   if (channel_active(chan)) {
00142     /* If it's a !chan, we want to display it's unique name too <cybah> */
00143     if (chan->dname[0]=='!') {
00144       dprintf(idx, "    %-10s: %2d member%s enforcing \"%s\" (%s), "
00145               "unique name %s\n", chan->dname, chan->channel.members,
00146               (chan->channel.members==1) ? "," : "s,", s2, s, chan->name);
00147     } else {
00148       dprintf(idx, "    %-10s: %2d member%s enforcing \"%s\" (%s)\n",
00149               chan->dname, chan->channel.members,
00150               chan->channel.members == 1 ? "," : "s,", s2, s);
00151     }
00152   } else {
00153     dprintf(idx, "    %-10s: (%s), enforcing \"%s\"  (%s)\n", chan->dname,
00154       channel_pending(chan) ? "pending" : "not on channel", s2, s);
00155   }
00156       } else {
00157   dprintf(idx, "    %-10s: channel is set +inactive\n",
00158     chan->dname);
00159       }
00160       if (details) {
00161   s[0] = 0;
00162   i = 0;
00163   if (channel_enforcebans(chan))
00164     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "enforce-bans ");
00165   if (channel_dynamicbans(chan))
00166     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamic-bans ");
00167   if (channel_autoop(chan))
00168     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "op-on-join ");
00169   if (channel_greet(chan))
00170     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "greet ");
00171   if (channel_dontkickops(chan))
00172     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dont-kick-ops ");
00173   if (channel_logstatus(chan))
00174     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "log-status ");
00175   if (channel_secret(chan))
00176     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "secret ");
00177   if (!channel_static(chan))
00178     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamic ");
00179   if (channel_autovoice(chan))
00180     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "autovoice ");
00181   if (channel_cycle(chan))
00182     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "cycle ");
00183   if (channel_dynamicexempts(chan))
00184     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamic-exempts ");
00185   if (channel_dynamicinvites(chan))
00186     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "dynamic-invites ");
00187   if (channel_inactive(chan))
00188     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "inactive ");
00189   if (channel_nodesynch(chan))
00190     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "nodesynch ");
00191   if (channel_honor_global_bans(chan))
00192     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "honor-global-bans ");
00193   if (channel_honor_global_exempts(chan))
00194     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "honor-global-exempts ");
00195   if (channel_honor_global_invites(chan))
00196     i += my_strcpy(s + i, "honor-global-invites ");
00197   dprintf(idx, "      Options: %s\n", s);
00198   if (details) {
00199           dprintf(idx, "    Bans last %d mins.\n", chan->ban_time);
00200           dprintf(idx, "    Exemptions last %d mins.\n", chan->exempt_time);
00201           dprintf(idx, "    Invitations last %d mins.\n", chan->invite_time);
00202   }
00203       }
00204     }
00205   }
00206 }

char* start ( eggdrop_t *  eggdrop  ) 

Definition at line 239 of file channels.c.

References C_dcc_irc, chan_hack, channel_script_cmds, channels_cmds, channels_writeuserfile(), check_expired_bans(), check_expired_exempts(), check_expired_invites(), egg, global_aop_max, global_aop_min, global_ban_time, global_exempt_time, global_invite_time, MODULE_NAME, my_tcl_ints, NULL, script_create_commands(), setstatic, and use_info.

00240 {
00241   egg = eggdrop;
00242   global_aop_min = 5;
00243   global_aop_max = 30;
00244   setstatic = 0;
00245   lastdeletedmask = 0;
00246   use_info = 1;
00247   strcpy(chanfile, "chanfile");
00248   chan_hack = 0;
00249   strcpy(glob_chanmode, "nt");
00250   udef = NULL;
00251   global_ban_time = 120;
00252   global_exempt_time = 60;
00253   global_invite_time = 60;
00254   strcpy(glob_chanset,
00255          "-enforcebans "
00256    "+dynamicbans "
00257    "-autoop "
00258    "+greet "
00259    "+statuslog "
00260    "-secret "
00261    "-autovoice "
00262    "+cycle "
00263    "+dontkickops "
00264    "-inactive "
00265    "+dynamicexempts "
00266    "+dynamicinvites "
00267    "+honor-global-bans "
00268          "+honor-global-exempts "
00269          "+honor-global-invites "
00270    "-nodesynch ");
00271   module_register(MODULE_NAME, channels_table, 1, 0);
00272   if (!module_depend(MODULE_NAME, "eggdrop", 107, 0)) {
00273     module_undepend(MODULE_NAME);
00274     return "This module needs eggdrop1.7.0 or later";
00275   }
00276   add_hook(HOOK_MINUTELY, (Function) check_expired_bans);
00277   add_hook(HOOK_MINUTELY, (Function) check_expired_exempts);
00278   add_hook(HOOK_MINUTELY, (Function) check_expired_invites);
00279   add_hook(HOOK_USERFILE, (Function) channels_writeuserfile);
00280   add_hook(HOOK_BACKUP, (Function) backup_chanfile);
00281   add_hook(HOOK_REHASH, (Function) channels_rehash);
00282   add_hook(HOOK_PRE_REHASH, (Function) channels_prerehash);
00283   Tcl_TraceVar(interp, "global-chanset",
00285          traced_globchanset, NULL);
00286   add_builtins("chon", my_chon);
00287   add_builtins("dcc", C_dcc_irc);
00288   script_create_commands(channel_script_cmds);
00289   add_tcl_commands(channels_cmds);
00290   add_tcl_strings(my_tcl_strings);
00291   add_help_reference("");
00292   add_help_reference("");
00293   add_tcl_ints(my_tcl_ints);
00294   add_tcl_coups(mychan_tcl_coups);
00295   read_channels(0);
00296   setstatic = 1;
00297   return NULL;
00298 }

EXPORT_SCOPE char* start (  ) 

static void write_channels (  )  [static]

Definition at line 41 of file channels.c.

References getudef(), LOG_DEBUG, LOG_MISC, movefile(), now, NULL, putlog(), UDEF_FLAG, UDEF_INT, and UDEF_STR.

Referenced by channels_close(), channels_writeuserfile(), cmd_chansave(), and tcl_savechannels().

00042 {
00043   FILE *f;
00044   char s[121], w[1024], w2[1024], name[163];
00045   struct chanset_t *chan;
00046   struct udef_struct *ul;
00048   if (!chanfile[0])
00049     return;
00050   sprintf(s, "%s~new", chanfile);
00051   f = fopen(s, "w");
00052   chmod(s, userfile_perm);
00053   if (f == NULL) {
00054     putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "ERROR writing channel file.");
00055     return;
00056   }
00057   fprintf(f, "#Dynamic Channel File for %s (%s) -- written %s\n", myname, ver,
00058           ctime(&now));
00059   for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) {
00060     convert_element(chan->dname, name);
00061     get_mode_protect(chan, w);
00062     convert_element(w, w2);
00063     fprintf(f,
00064             "channel %s %s%schanmode %s aop_delay %d:%d ban_time %d "
00065             "exempt_time %d invite_time %d %cenforcebans %cdynamicbans "
00066             "%cautoop %cgreet %cdontkickops %cstatuslog %cautovoice %csecret "
00067             "%ccycle %cinactive %cdynamicexempts %chonor-global-bans "
00068             "%chonor-global-exempts %chonor-global-invites %cdynamicinvites "
00069             "%cnodesynch ", channel_static(chan) ? "set" : "add", name,
00070             channel_static(chan) ? " " : " { ", w2, chan->aop_min,
00071             chan->aop_max, chan->ban_time, chan->exempt_time,
00072             chan->invite_time,
00073             PLSMNS(channel_enforcebans(chan)),
00074             PLSMNS(channel_dynamicbans(chan)),
00075             PLSMNS(channel_autoop(chan)),
00076             PLSMNS(channel_greet(chan)),
00077             PLSMNS(channel_dontkickops(chan)),
00078             PLSMNS(channel_logstatus(chan)),
00079             PLSMNS(channel_autovoice(chan)),
00080             PLSMNS(channel_secret(chan)),
00081             PLSMNS(channel_cycle(chan)),
00082             PLSMNS(channel_inactive(chan)),
00083             PLSMNS(channel_dynamicexempts(chan)),
00084             PLSMNS(channel_honor_global_bans(chan)),
00085             PLSMNS(channel_honor_global_exempts(chan)),
00086             PLSMNS(channel_honor_global_invites(chan)),
00087             PLSMNS(channel_dynamicinvites(chan)),
00088             PLSMNS(channel_nodesynch(chan)));
00089     for (ul = udef; ul; ul = ul->next) {
00090       if (ul->defined && ul->name) {
00091   if (ul->type == UDEF_FLAG)
00092     fprintf(f, "%c%s%s ", getudef(ul->values, chan->dname) ? '+' : '-',
00093       "udef_flag_", ul->name);
00094   else if (ul->type == UDEF_INT)
00095     fprintf(f, "%s%s %d ", "udef_int_", ul->name, getudef(ul->values,
00096       chan->dname));
00097   else if (ul->type == UDEF_STR) {
00098     char *p;
00099     p = (char *)getudef(ul->values, chan->dname);
00100     if (!p) strcpy(p, "{}");
00101     fprintf(f, "udef_str_%s %s ", ul->name, p);
00102   }
00103   else
00104           putlog(LOG_DEBUG, "*", "UDEF-ERROR: unknown type %d", ul->type);
00105       }
00106     }
00107     fprintf(f, "%s\n", channel_static(chan) ? "" : "}");
00108     if (fflush(f)) {
00109       putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "ERROR writing channel file.");
00110       fclose(f);
00111       return;
00112     }
00113   }
00114   fclose(f);
00115   unlink(chanfile);
00116   movefile(s, chanfile);
00117 }

Variable Documentation

int chan_hack [static]

Definition at line 33 of file channels.c.

Referenced by start(), tcl_channel(), tcl_channel_add(), and tcl_channel_modify().

eggdrop_t* egg = NULL [static]

Definition at line 31 of file channels.c.

Referenced by start().

int global_aop_max [static]

Definition at line 33 of file channels.c.

Referenced by start(), and tcl_channel_add().

int global_aop_min [static]

Definition at line 33 of file channels.c.

Referenced by start(), and tcl_channel_add().

int global_ban_time [static]

Definition at line 33 of file channels.c.

int global_exempt_time [static]

Definition at line 33 of file channels.c.

int global_invite_time [static]

Definition at line 33 of file channels.c.

int setstatic [static]

Definition at line 33 of file channels.c.

Referenced by cmd_chanload(), start(), tcl_channel_add(), and tcl_loadchannels().

int use_info [static]

Definition at line 33 of file channels.c.

Generated on Sun Nov 30 18:43:35 2008 for eggdrop1.9 by  doxygen 1.5.6