Bind List

Global BT_msg
Triggered whenever the bot receives a privmsg directed at the bot itself instead of a channel.

Global BT_notice
Triggered whenever the bot receives a notice.

Global BT_raw
Triggered whenever the bot receives any kind of input from the server.

Global BT_server_input
Triggered whenever the bot receives any kind of input from the server before the bot parses it. The text can be altered by setting the server_input_string variable. The bot can be forced to ignore a line by breaking this bind.

Global BT_server_output
Triggered whenever the bot is about to send a line to the server. The text can be altered by setting the server_output_string variable. The bot can be forced to drop a line by breaking this bind.

Global BT_wall
Triggered whenever the bot receives WALLOPS from the server.

Global BT_bot
Triggered by a message coming from another bot in the botnet. The first word is the command and the rest becomes the text argument.

Global BT_disc
This bind is triggered every time a bot is lost from the botnet. If a bot gets disconnected this bind is triggered for all bots behind the lost one first, beginning with the most distant bots. That means that for some bots this bind is triggered for, the uplink still exists in this bots database even though it has already been lost.

Global BT_link
This bind is triggered every time a new bot is somehow linked to the botnet. There is no way to determine if it happened because it was directly linked or because another bot was linked and introduced it.

Global BT_request_link
This bind is triggered every time the bot wants to link to another bot for some reason.

Global BT_udelete
This flag is triggered every time a user is deleted.

Global BT_uflags
This flag is triggered every time the flags of a user are changed.

Global BT_uset
This flag is triggered every time a user's settings are changed.

Global BT_init
This bind is triggered when the bot is originally started and then every time after a restart. It's impossible to tell which of the two just happened.

Global BT_secondly
This bind is triggered once every second. The bind is not triggered one second after the time it was triggered last but one second after the time it should have been triggered last. So it should be triggered 60 times per minute on avarage. You should never do anything that might take longer than one second to execute here.

Global BT_shutdown
This bind is triggered when the bot shuts down and before every restart. It's impossible to tell which of the two just happened.

Global BT_status
This bind is triggered every time a local partymember executes the ".status" command on the partyline.

Global BT_time
This bind is triggered once a minute. It is similar to BT_event minutely but allows you to match a specified date and time.

Generated on Sun Nov 30 18:43:37 2008 for eggdrop1.9 by  doxygen 1.5.6